Our Vision

Linking past, present and future.

Mangere Mountain Education Centre was created through the efforts of local people who were passionate about the mountain, who wanted to protect it, and to share its stories with the community. We see the Centre as a knowledge gateway, giving first-hand access to Mangere Mountain and its rich cultural heritage, archaeology, history, geology and mythology. We have worked hard to make the Centre a living museum, providing interaction with the past, in which the community preserves, interprets and manages its own heritage.


Everything we do grows out of our values:

  • Show Care

Strive for a thriving, prosperous, growing and flourishing landscape.

  • Earn Respect

Be significant – outstanding and noteworthy.

  • Think Mutual

Nourish, cherish and enrich our communities and nurture belief.

  • Landscape-led 

Always authentic, creating a known and understood meaningful identity 

Get in Touch with Us

Got any questions, comments or enquiries? Our friendly staff will be happy to help.

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