
The fertile soil of our mountain has been supporting communities since the arrival of the first inhabitants.

We are keeping alive the traditional ways of cultivating food and medicinal plants on the rich volcanic slopes of Mangere Mountain. See the traces of gardens from hundreds of years ago, learn about heritage Māori crops – and see them growing.

There are five garden areas dotted around Mangere Mountain. Near the summit you’ll find the archaeological remains of kumara pits and terraces dating back centuries. Down near our Visitor Centre there are the lush vegetable gardens that nurture crops for our Mara Kai food education programme, as well as the Heritage Garden that contains traditional Māori crops.

You can also walk through the Medicinal Garden that contains plants used by Māori for healing in days gone by. Finally, there’s a tranquil Nature Garden filled with native shrubs and trees. This is currently being redeveloped to offer even more rewarding experiences for families and children.

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